- I love to laugh and scream out load when I meet you people
- I shake in excitement when daddy comes home from work
- I have lots of toys but my favorite thing to play with is the string on the curtains
- I communicate with people by yelling at them to get their attention, but that's just how I say "HIIIIIIIII"
- I love to go shopping with mommy at Winner's and love to see how the pretty dresses and shoes
- I am going through a little separation anxiety and need mommy and daddy around me (hopefully I will outgrow this soon)
- I still love bath time and get so excited playing with the water
- I love to eat avocado but do not like sweet potatoe

- I love to laugh and scream out load in excitement
- I love daily Facetime calls with my family
- I love it when mommy talks and sings to me throughout the day
- I scream in excitement when daddy comes home from work, because I know it's Alizey and daddy play time
- I started to extend my hands out when I want to be picked up (the first time I did this mommy's heart melted)
- I am very social and love meeting new people
- I want mommy to pick me up all the time so I can explore everything around me
- No matter how many toys are around me, I prefer to try to grab the phone and remote control at any chance I get
- I cry in excitement when I see my milk bottle --- "Feed me now!"
- I started to take a bath in my Baby Bloomer and I love it (pictures coming soon)!
- I love to pull and play with mommy's hair

- I love daily laugh sessions with mommy and daddy
- I like to blow spit bubbles
- I am very curious and like to grasp anything I can get my hands (my favorite thing to grab/stare at is daddy's computer mouse with the blue light)
- I want to be held all the time by mommy and like nibbling on her shoulder
- When mommy holds me I like to hold the back of her hair for support (mommy is trying to break this bad habit of mine)
- I like to chew on my hands to self sooth
- I still love bath time and like to slash the water
- I like to be held sometimes during nap time and will peak up every now and again to make sure mommy/daddy is still holding me
- I love it when mommy and daddy sing to me throughout the day to keep me happy and entertained
- I am very social and love to babble with everyone I meet
- This month I started to giggle out load and mommy and daddy can't get enough of my laughter
- I love to touch and stare at objects that are bright and colourful
- I love to put anything in my mouth that I can get my hands on
- I discovered my feet and I love to hold them up in the air
- I still love to do snapchat videos with daddy (we have such a funny collection now)
- When mommy rocks me to sleep I love to nibble on her inner arm and peak over her shoulder until I drift to sleep
- I love to stare at mommy and smile when she sings to me
- I am so relaxed during bath time it's my favorite, and I love getting a nice massage after from mommy or daddy
- When I am really fussy and crying mommy or daddy with start singing OMMMMMM and I immediately stop crying (they saw it on Youtube)
- I don't like my legs/feet to be covered with a blanket. When mommy or daddy try to put one on me while I am asleep I will kick it off right away.
- I still don't like waiting for my milk, now I cry even loader if I have to wait.
- I don't like using a pacifier

- I am the happiest first thing in the morning after a good nights rest
- I love to smile and giggle and it totally melts mommy and daddy's heart
- I enjoy car rides with mommy and daddy
- I discovered my hands and I love to put them in my mouth
- I started snap chatting with daddy after he comes home from work and I love it (the bunny filter is my favorite!)
- My favorite position is when mommy holds me over her shoulder and I can explore the world around me (there is so much to see!)
- I love bath time, I can chill in the tub for hours if I could
- I am starting to warm up to the swing, but no more then 15 minutes, after that I am totally over it
- During sleep/nap time my favorite white noise music is rain sounds, it puts me right to sleep and keeps me calm throughout the night
- I love tummy time with mommy and daddy
- I love to snuggle with mommy and daddy
- I have alot of different hand poses/gester's I do when I am awake or asleep
- I make alot of facial expressions just like my daddy
- I love tummy time especially with daddy
- I love bath time and getting massaged after with Calm Baby Calendula Oil
- I prefer the temperature at home to be cool (although it took mommy and daddy awhile to figure that out
- I am always smiling/dreaming when I sleep
- I love listening to white noise when I sleep
- I don't like waiting for my milk (it should be ready on demand or I will cry uncontrollably)
- I don't like getting burped, although I feel much better right after